Friday, February 25, 2011

This week we spent a lot of the time reading and performing scenes from the amazing play 12th night. Both the scenes I performed I played women interestingly enough, and I played both Mary and Viola, and had a great time doing it. I have seen the show before at the old globe, and I must say it is a great and hilarious Shakespearean comedy. I'm looking forward to reading more about the show, and maybe watching some movies of it.


  1. The globe's version of 12th night was really funny! Your Mary and Viola were pretty good. I am definitely looking forward to watching some movies n shit.

  2. It was good seeing you act in front of the class! What version did you see at the globe, I saw a kinda 20's version of it (costume-wise).

  3. You doing Mary and Viola was really funny and it's pretty funny to see Shakespeare doing sex jokes.
