Thursday, December 16, 2010

1) “Most Beautiful Work Award” - I'm most proud of my abstract for the inquiry project. It was very interesting, and actually fun to connect my book to poems with similar themes, and study such a philosophical topic as dependency. Throughout the essays in the class, I've developed the habit of planning them. Before actually writing the essay, I've found it helpful to plan what my paragraphs will be about, and how the essay will flow. I'm proud and happy that my work on the abstract could be turned into a oral presentation, since it is something I am good at, and immensely enjoy.

2) “Lesson Learned” - I enjoyed learning the skill to plan essays, as I mentioned before. For our in class essays, I decided to plan them before coming to class, often writing a draft of the essay to give me ideas. I wish I had done that in the past, because it was incredibly helpful. Instead of wasting precious time trying to mold together unconnected paragraphs, I could write with a goal in mind, and create coherent, logical writings.

3) “Lessons I’d Like to Learn” - I want to develop the skill of analyzing readings. I've always had trouble with questions such as "What tone does the author take?", because to me, it could be interpreted any way the reader thinks. Learning to write about readings and analyze other author's writings would greatly help me in college, in English class, and in other classes where writing is involved

Friday, December 10, 2010

This week I worked a lot on my poetry essay. As I mentioned before, I had trouble finding a poem in the first place, but thankfully I remedied that by finding one that was named "Dependence," by William Cowper. This poem was really perfect for my topic, since it heavily focuses on dependence, and also made a great poetry essay. I'm excited to work on my abstract, and answer my essential question this coming week.

Friday, December 3, 2010

This week we have been working more on our inquiry project, and have been getting closer to finishing it. I have been struggling to find a poem that would help me answer my essential question, but I am thinking of just finding a poem about love, because that would talk about dependency. I am in the progress of finding sources to answer my essential question, and soon will be able to write a thesis statement.